I just saw Heather Armstrong from Dooce on GMA speaking about mommy bloggers receiving products and money from companies to write about products on their blogs. I obviously am not a mommy blogger and won't be for atleast a few years, but I still have an opinion on this subject.
I have no problem accepting products sent to me for free to write about. My only condition is the companies fully understand that if their product truely sucks I will tell the world... ok the people who accidentally end up here, how I feel about the product.
Unfortunately, I have not been sent anything and I'm sure after that last comment I probably never will. Oh Well...
Also, my point of this post is, not that I'm suprised, but that Heather Armstrong had no problem saying she was against accepting perks from companies to promote their products. I'm thinking this is a very controversial issue among mommy bloggers, and I enjoy hearing different people's opinons on issues when they aren't bashing the other side just stating that this is why they do things this way (hers was preserving the trust of her audience).
I would enjoy free stuff, does that make me a sellout? What is your opinion?
napoli barcelona
2 years ago