Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Canoe Trip

FINALLY my phone is not being dumb any more and the canoe/kayak trip alot of goofyness going on here

Chris woke up at five for work the day we left this is the view from my stoop because i couldn't get back to sleep

So this is the view we had the ENTIRE way down the river

This is all the junk we took with us I'm SO GLAD I was in the kayak all by myself!

Crazy Mating dragonflies that did their thing the ENTIRE way down the river ON MY KAYAK not cool dragonflies not freaking cool

In the kayak all by myself!

Goofballs one and too they never cease to amaze me

Eli and his baby all loaded up this is the only picture he wanted to take on the trip

The crew yeah there was only three of is but we had an awesome time

Christopher burning his shoes

Goofball 1

Goofball 2

Eli burning mountain pies who new he never made them before

Another great sunset on the way back to slippery rock

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