Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So I'm sitting in the library before my counseling center appointment and looking through blogs for posts that I have missed and I found this one!!! It is a video of foxes, yes foxes, playing on a football/lacrosse/I'm guessing soccer field at a high school in Boulder, CO

The Foxes are jumping around having a good time and I couldn't figure out what they were playing with, until I realized they are TEARING APART the field.

Which is awesome to me because when I was in 7Th grade our high school put in a turf field and trying to get to it or the track was harder than getting in to Fort Knox. They were so protective of the new track and field that pretty much if your sport was not using it you should probably not even look at it. Rightfully so though, because the field cost well over a million dollars and I'm pretty sure no one in my school district knows how much a million dollars actually is.

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